Document Type | Description | ID for individuals and/or legal entities | Length | Data Type | Mandatory for methods | Examples |
CE | Cédula = Identity Card | Individual Entity | 10 | Numeric |
| 0603027988 |
CI | Cédula de Identidad | Individual Entity | 10 | Numeric |
| 1004922993 |
RUC | Registro Único de Contribuyentes: Tax ID | Legal Entities | 13 | Numeric |
| 1790360741001 |
PASS | Pasaporte = Passport | Individual Entity | 5 - 13 | Alphanumeric |
| PX39582891478 |
Example: How to validate IDs through the api?
Remember that you can validate documents through the LP api
. See Document Validation service.
Below you can find some examples to validate through our api. You can also test with the examples above. Please, note the structure of each ID type (lenght, dots, hyphen, lowercase/uppercase). However, take into account that we are still working in Ecuadorian ID validation service.
CE type also admits hypen. However, our system does not support dots for CE type validation.
Validate IDs through the LP api:
Check the Country ISOCode 3:
ISOCode 3:
Last updated