
Below you will see the fields designated for the country Chile

Document validations

Document Type


ID for individuals and/or legal entities


Data Type

Verification digit

Mandatory for methods

Document ID Examples


Registro Único Tributario = Single Tax Registration

Legal and Individual Entities



last digit

  • Bank Transfer

  • Credit Card

  • Debit Card


17.298.356-1 76182124

8900960-k 8420157K 08.900.960-K

Company: 77175361-2 730650000 80.028.522-4


  • In Chile the ID type can be RUT and RUN. However, for commercial purposes, LP considers the RUN ID type to be the same as the RUT because for a Chilean or foreign natural person residing in Chile, RUT and RUN are identical.

Rol Único Tributario (RUT) = Rol Único Nacional (RUN)

  • The individual type RUT must be less than 50.000.000

  • The company type RUT must be greater than 50.000.000

Example: How to validate IDs through the api?

Remember that you can can validate documents through the LP api. See Document Validation service.

Below you can find some examples to validate through our api. You can also test with the examples above. Please, note the structure of each ID type (lenght, dots, hyphen, lowercase/uppercase). To validate Chilean documents through the API, you can add or omit the dots, hyphens, and lowercase/uppercase.

    "document": {
        "id" :"15.871.597-k",
        "type" :"RUT"
    "country" : "CHL"

If the RUT ID ends with the letter "K", it can be in uppercase or lowercase letters indistinctly.

Validate IDs through the LP api:

Check the Country ISOCode 3:

Last updated

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