Payin Bank Transfer
Examples of callbacks for Payin Bank Transfer transactions
"transactionType ": "PayIn ",
"transactionFlow ": null,
"data ": {
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"amount ": 26000,
"accountNumber ": "111.111.11111111",
"confirmed ": {
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"status ": {
"code ": "200 ",
"description ": "COMPLETED ",
"detail ": "The payin was credited "
"merchant ": {
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"name ": "Company name ",
"lastname ": " ",
"document ": {
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"comment ": "Add any usefull information "
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"comment ": "Add any relevant information related to the payer "
"birthdate ": "01/01/1990 ",
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"bank ": {
"name ": "Account holder name ",
"code ": "191 ",
"account ": {
"type ": "s ",
"number ": "111111111111111111111111"
"intermediaries ": [],
"wireInstructions ": {
"beneficiary ": {
"name ": "LOCALPAYMENT S.R.L. ",
"document ": {
"type ": "CUIT ",
"id ": "30716132028 "
"bank ": {
"name ": "BANCO XXXX ",
"code ": "0051 ",
"branch ": {},
"account ": {
"type ": "C ",
"number ": "0000000000000000000000"
"referenceCode ": "KPCY-PGHC-OMOS "
"date ": {
"creationDate ": "2023-03-25T17:26:47Z ",
"processedDate ": "2023-03-25T17:26:48Z ",
"expirationDate ": "2023-04-01T17:26:48Z "
"errors ": []
"transactionType": "PayIn",
"data": {
"externalId": "xxxx",
"internalId": "xxxx",
"status": {
"code": "802",
"description": "REJECTED",
"detail": "Rejected by provider"
"errors": [
"code": "802",
"detail": "Rejected by provider"
"transactionType": "PayIn",
"transactionFlow": null,
"data": {
"transactionType": "PayIn",
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"internalId": "xxxx",
"paymentMethod": {
"type": "BankTransfer",
"code": "1025",
"flow": "DIRECT"
"country": "ARG",
"currency": "ARS",
"amount": 12,
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"confirmed": {
"currency": "ARS",
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"amount": 12
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"financingFee": 0,
"amount": 12
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"withHoldings": [],
"fees": {
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"fxQuote": 1,
"amount": 10,
"account": "xxxx"
"status": {
"code": "200",
"description": "COMPLETED",
"detail": "The payin was credited"
"beneficiary": {
"type": "INDIVIDUAL",
"name": "FirstName",
"lastname": "Lastname",
"document": {
"type": "xxxx",
"id": "xxxx"
"merchant": {
"type": "COMPANY",
"name": "Localpayment Test"
"payer": {
"type": "COMPANY",
"name": "PayerName",
"document": {
"type": "xxxx",
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"name": "xxxx",
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"branch": {
"code": "0003"
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"type": "C",
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"wireInstructions": {
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"bank": {
"name": "ITAU Argentina",
"code": "0022",
"branch": {
"code": ""
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"type": "C",
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"referenceCode": "1025006555"
"date": {
"creationDate": "2023-02-07T12:14:14Z",
"processedDate": "2023-02-07T12:14:14Z"
"errors": []
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"transactionFlow ": null,
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"amount ": 26000,
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"confirmed ": {
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"payment ": {
"currency ": "ARS ",
"fxQuote ": 1,
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"amount ": 26000
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"withHoldings ": [],
"fees ": {
"description ": "Fee ",
"currency ": "USD ",
"fxSource ": 1,
"fxQuote ": 1,
"amount ": 8.27,
"account ": "000.000.00000000"
"status ": {
"code ": "901 ",
"description ": "EXPIRED ",
"detail ": "The payin has expired "
"merchant ": {
"type ": "COMPANY ",
"name ": "Company name ",
"lastname ": " ",
"document ": {
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"id ": "11111111111"
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"comment ": "Add any usefull information "
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"comment ": "Add any relevant information related to the payer "
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"nationality ": "nationality ",
"bank ": {
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"code ": "111 ",
"account ": {
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"wireInstructions ": {
"beneficiary ": {
"name ": "LOCALPAYMENT S.R.L. ",
"document ": {
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"name ": "BANCO XXXXX ",
"code ": "0000 ",
"branch ": {},
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"referenceCode ": "IKFR-IYBY-ABEO "
"date ": {
"creationDate ": "2023-03-25T17:31:27Z ",
"processedDate ": "2023-03-25T17:31:28Z ",
"expirationDate ": "2023-04-01T17:31:28Z "
"errors ": []
"transactionType": "PayIn",
"transactionFlow": null,
"data": {
"transactionType": "PayIn",
"externalId": "1111111111",
"internalId": "11X111X1-1111-11X1-X1X1-1X111X1111X1",
"paymentMethod": {
"type": "BankTransfer",
"code": "1111",
"flow": "DIRECT"
"country": "ARG",
"currency": "ARS",
"amount": 26000,
"accountNumber": "032.032.00000015",
"confirmed": {
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"fxQuote": 1,
"amount": 26000
"payment": {
"currency": "ARS",
"fxQuote": 1,
"financingFee": 0,
"amount": 26000
"localTaxes": [],
"withHoldings": [],
"fees": {
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"fxQuote": 1,
"amount": 8.27,
"account": "032.840.00000005"
"status": {
"code": "902",
"description": "REFUNDED",
"detail": "The payin was refunded"
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"type": "COMPANY",
"name": "Company name",
"lastname": "",
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"comment": "Add any usefull information"
"birthdate": "2000-01-01",
"nationality": "nationality"
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"name": "Payers name",
"lastname": "Payers last name",
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"comment": "Add any relevant information related to the payer"
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"wireInstructions": {
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"name": "LOCALPAYMENT S.R.L.",
"document": {
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"bank": {
"name": "BANCO XXX",
"code": "1111",
"branch": {},
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"referenceCode": "KPCY-PGHC-OMOS"
"date": {
"creationDate": "2023-03-25T17:26:47Z",
"processedDate": "2023-03-25T17:26:48Z",
"expirationDate": "2023-04-01T17:26:48Z"
"errors": []
"transactionType ": "PayIn ",
"transactionFlow ": null,
"data ": {
"transactionType ": "PayIn ",
"externalId ": "XXXXXXXXXX",
"internalId ": "cd009724-e25a-430f-b2f3-00aa5a17d78c ",
"paymentMethod ": {
"type ": "BankTransfer ",
"code ": "1111 ",
"flow ": "DIRECT "
"country ": "ARG ",
"currency ": "ARS ",
"amount ": 25000,
"accountNumber ": "111.111.11111111 ",
"confirmed ": {
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"fxQuote ": 1,
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"fxQuote ": 1,
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"amount ": 25000
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"withHoldings ": [],
"fees ": {
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"currency ": "USD ",
"fxSource ": 1,
"fxQuote ": 1,
"amount ": 8.03,
"account ": "000.000.00000000 "
"status ": {
"code ": "900 ",
"description ": "CANCELLED ",
"detail ": "The payin was cancelled "
"merchant ": {
"type ": "COMPANY ",
"name ": "Company name ",
"lastname ": " ",
"document ": {
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"comment ": "Add any usefull information "
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"number ": "1234 ",