Projected Balance
It has the same structure as the Balance, the difference is that the Projected Balance is the actual Balance plus the pending transactions so the end value that will show you is not accurate, it will be approximate and will help you understand the possible future outcomes.
Note: The time is expressed in the time zone of the browser used by the user.
Description of the columns of the Projected Balance screen
The Header Payment shows the requested Amount via API, then if applicable you will see the Financial Fees for Payin when Installments apply and the Withholdings for Payouts with according to the local regulation apply.
The Payment Amount is the Amount paid in the case of a Payin or received in the case of a Payout.
Column value explanation
Payment amount = Amount - Financial Fees Withholding
FX Quote
The Header FX Quote shows the applied FX for each payment only in the case of DCC (Dynamic currency conversion) that Currency Exchange applies for each transaction in real time.
The Header Account shows the impact of each transaction in the account balance.
The values under this heading are expressed in the currency of the account.
Column values explanation
Confirmed = If FX Quote has a value Payment amount / Fx Quote otherwise Payment amount
Total: Confirmed - (Local taxes + Financial Fees + Fees)
Balance: Previous balance + Current transaction.
You will find and opening and closing balance in each report to show you the inicial and last value parameters of the account balance.
How to generate a file
Select the <Export> option to generate the report
Definition of File Projected Balance
Excel spreadsheet is generated
Extension .XLXS
Report name Client_Projected_<MMDDAAAA>_<HHMMSS>
Column definition
Example File Projected Balance
Last updated