Payin Debit Card
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"document": {
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"creationDate": "2023-02-19T00:01:55Z",
"processedDate": "2023-02-19T00:01:59Z"
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"transactionFlow ": null,
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"description ": "REFUNDED ",
"detail ": "The payin was refunded "
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"date ": {
"creationDate ": "2023-03-22T18:39:49Z ",
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"transactionFlow ": null,
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"status ": {
"code ": "906 ",
"description ": "CHARGEBACK ",
"detail ": "The payin has a chargeback "
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"date ": {
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"status ": {
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"description ": "APPROVED ",
"detail ": "The payin was confirmed but not credited yet "
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"date ": {
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"expirationYear ": 1111,
"expirationMonth ": 11,
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"errors ": []
Last updated