DEBIN (Argentina)

This payment solution is only available in Argentina

DEBIN is a payment method that means Immediate Debit, created by the Central Bank of Argentina, which utilizes a bank transfer payment methodology. This process essentially involves a transaction where funds are deducted from a CBU account in real time at the moment the payment request is generated, meaning the amount is immediately withdrawn from the sender's account.

It is a simple procedure that works as follows: the customer is given the opportunity to generate a payment request with the amount and details of the customer's account. This request is sent directly to the user with a CBU account via a webhook, ensuring that they receive an immediate notification in their banking app. From there, they can review the transaction and make an informed decision to approve or reject it with a single click. That's it—no cards, no cash, no wallet. Everything is done digitally.

  • The Immediate Debit operates 24/7.

  • The payment will only be considered complete once the customer accepts it in their banking application, or it will be rejected if the customer declines it. Otherwise, the payment will move to an expired status.

  • The payment request can only be made to CBU accounts. These account numbers are distinguished by the fact that their first three digits do not begin with zero.

  • A wire transfer payment order expires by default 2 days from the date of creation.

  • This payment solution is only available in Argentina

Money request



Request Body

      "transactionType": "PayIn",
      "externalId": "{{externalId}}",
      "internalId": "{{internalId}}",
      "paymentMethod": {
        "type": "BankTransfer",
        "code": "1040",
        "flow": "DIRECT"
      "country": "ARG",
      "currency": "ARS",
      "amount": 2355,
      "accountNumber": "{{yourAccountNumber}}",
      "confirmed": {
        "currency": "ARS",
        "fxQuote": 1,
        "amount": 1
      "payment": {
        "currency": "ARS",
        "fxQuote": 1,
        "financingFee": 0,
        "amount": 1
      "localTaxes": [],
      "withHoldings": [],
      "fees": {
        "description": "Fee",
        "currency": "ARS",
        "fxSource": 1,
        "fxQuote": 1,
        "amount": 0,
        "account": "{{yourAccountNumber}}"
      "status": {
        "code": "100",
        "description": "INPROGRESS",
        "detail": "The payin is pending the confirmation"
      "merchant": {
        "type": "INDIVIDUAL",
        "name": "Nama",
        "lastName": "lastname"
      "payer": {
        "type": "INDIVIDUAL",
        "name": "payername",
        "lastName": "payerLastname",
        "document": {
          "type": "CUIL",
          "id": "20045113651"
        "email": "",
        "bank": {
          "name": "QA TEST",
          "code": "322",
          "account": {
            "type": "S",
            "number": "3220001805117354710015"
      "intermediaries": [],
      "date": {
        "creationDate": "2024-08-16T20:04:04.993",
        "processedDate": "2024-08-16T20:04:10.969",
        "expirationDate": "2024-08-23T20:04:05.553"
      "errors": [],
      "redirectUrl": ""

Examples: Money request

To create a payment order through the LP api, examples of the request body are detailed below.

curl --location 'https:{{Api_URL}} \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: {{token}} \
--data-raw '{
      "externalId": "{{externalID}}",
      "paymentMethod": {
        "type": "BankTransfer",
        "code": "1040",
        "flow": "DIRECT"
      "country": "ARG",
      "currency": "ARS",
      "amount": 800,
      "accountNumber": "{{yourAccountNumber}}",
      "conceptCode": "0038",
      "comment": "",
      "merchant": {
        "type": "COMPANY",
        "name": "LTDA"
      "payer": {
        "type": "INDIVIDUAL",
        "name": "Name",
        "lastName": "LastName",
        "document": {
          "type": "CUIL",
          "id": "20963514871"
        "email": "",
        "bank": {
          "name": "name",
          "code": "322",
          "account": {
            "type": "C",
            "number": "21-1-99999-4-6"
      "intermediaries": [],
      "transactionType": "PayIn",
      "clientCode": "0028",
      "requireAuth": false,
      "file": false

Check the Payin Status Codes

Last updated