Payin Cash
Examples of callbacks for Payin Cash transactions
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"expirationDate": "2023-03-29T00:33:41.992723",
"image": ""
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"withHoldings": [
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"detail": "The payin was cancelled"
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"expirationDate": "2023-03-24T17:48:57Z"
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"amount": 0,
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"detail": "The payin has expired"
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"expirationDate": "2023-03-24T17:38:39Z"
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"comment": "Add any usefull information"
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"date": {
"creationDate": "2023-03-22T17:38:39Z",
"processedDate": "2023-03-22T17:38:40Z",
"expirationDate": "2023-03-24T17:38:39Z"
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"amount": 2503
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"amount": 2503
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"withHoldings": [],
"fees": {
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"fxSource": 205.406971,
"fxQuote": 1,
"amount": 0,
"account": "111.111.11111111"
"status": {
"code": "103",
"description": "APPROVED",
"detail": "The payin was confirmed but not credited yet"
"ticket": {
"id": "1111111",
"image": "",
"barcode": "99580010002149257000000000000000000000604232359000025030098",
"expirationDate": "2023-03-24T17:07:04Z"
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"comment": "Add any relevant information related to the payer"
"birthdate": "01/01/1990",
"nationality": "nationality"
"intermediaries": [],
"date": {
"creationDate": "2023-03-22T17:07:03Z",
"processedDate": "2023-03-22T17:07:05Z",
"expirationDate": "2023-03-24T17:07:04Z"
"errors": []
Last updated
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