Check Payment
This endpoint returns information about specific transactions related to your LocalPayment accounts
Check Payment
Path Parameters
Name | Type | Description |
externalId* | string | Mandatory. The same |
Name | Type | Description |
Authorization* | string | Mandatory. BearerJWT token in format Bearer |
"externalId": "test",
"internalId": "f8be3b50-da22-43bb-afd1-2e7f1d79ab88",
"currency": "ARS",
"amount": 10000,
"paymentCurrency": "ARS",
"paymentAmount": 10000,
"fxQuote": 0,
"fxquoteToken": null,
"confirmedamount": 10000,
"localtaxes": 0,
"financialfees": 0,
"fees": 0,
"totalamount": 10000,
"accountNumber": "032.032.00000008",
"transactionType": "PayIn",
"methodcode": "1022",
"status": {
"code": "200",
"description": "COMPLETED",
"detail": "The payin was credited"
"dateCreated": "2021-11-10T16:21:19Z",
"dateProcessed": "2021-11-24T18:18:51Z"
"status": {
"code": "404",
"description": "ERROR",
"detail": "Transaction not found"
The Body structure of the Check Payment is the same as the Body structure of the transaction Response
curl --location --request GET '{{api_base_url}}/api/transactions/1649274201' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{token}}'
Example response
"transactionType": "PayIn",
"externalId": "1652993493",
"internalId": "40e4ffe9-b46b-492b-861d-a8a757b88920",
"paymentMethod": {
"type": "Cash",
"code": "1003",
"flow": "DIRECT"
"country": "ARG",
"currency": "ARS",
"amount": 1005.0,
"accountNumber": "032.032.00000015",
"confirmed": {
"currency": "ARS",
"amount": 1005.0,
"fxQuote": 1.0,
"exchangeRateToken": null
"payment": {
"installment": null,
"currency": "ARS",
"fxQuote": 1.0,
"financingFee": 0.0,
"amount": 1005.0
"localTaxes": [],
"withHoldings": [],
"fees": {
"description": "Fee",
"currency": "ARS",
"fxSource": 118.342216,
"fxQuote": 1.0,
"amount": 0.0,
"account": "032.032.00000015"
"status": {
"code": "100",
"description": "INPROGRESS",
"detail": "The payin is pending the confirmation"
"ticket": {
"id": "1111111111",
"image": "",
"barcode": "3335008800000000006001885552100005200211740749",
"expirationDate": "2022-06-30T22:59:59.000-04:00"
"qr": null,
"beneficiary": null,
"merchant": {
"type": "INDIVIDUAL",
"name": "Payer's name",
"lastname": "payer's last name",
"document": {
"id": "21879875",
"type": "DNI"
"email": "",
"phone": {
"countryCode": "54",
"areaCode": "11",
"number": "98789632"
"address": {
"street": "Street",
"number": "938",
"city": "city",
"state": "state",
"country": "country",
"zipCode": "zipCode",
"comment": "Add any usefull information"
"birthdate": "2000-01-01",
"nationality": "nationality"
"payer": {
"type": "INDIVIDUAL",
"name": "Payer's name",
"lastname": "payer's last name",
"document": {
"id": "99999999",
"type": "DNI"
"email": "",
"phone": {
"countryCode": "1",
"areaCode": "11",
"number": "98789632"
"address": {
"street": "Street",
"number": "1234",
"city": "city",
"state": "state",
"country": "country",
"zipCode": "zipCode",
"comment": "Add any relevant information related to the payer"
"birthdate": "01/01/1990",
"nationality": "nationality"
"intermediaries": [],
"wireInstructions": null,
"date": {
"creationDate": "2022-05-19T20:51:34.074+00:00",
"processedDate": "2022-05-19T20:51:34.918102",
"expirationDate": "2022-05-20T20:51:34.918102"
"card": null,
"errors": []
"transactionType": "PayIn",
"externalId": "1652986963",
"internalId": "22f29c98-9baf-44bd-a164-1863ae2f1bb3",
"paymentMethod": {
"type": "CreditCard",
"code": "1000",
"flow": "DIRECT"
"country": "ARG",
"currency": "ARS",
"amount": 1002.0,
"accountNumber": "032.032.00000001",
"confirmed": {
"currency": "ARS",
"amount": 1002.0,
"fxQuote": 1.0,
"exchangeRateToken": null
"payment": {
"installment": null,
"currency": "ARS",
"fxQuote": 1.0,
"financingFee": 0.0,
"amount": 1002.0
"localTaxes": [],
"withHoldings": [],
"fees": {
"description": "Fee",
"currency": "ARS",
"fxSource": 210.8,
"fxQuote": 1.0,
"amount": 13.02,
"account": "032.032.00000001"
"status": {
"code": "103",
"description": "APPROVED",
"detail": "The payin was confirmed but not credited yet"
"ticket": null,
"qr": null,
"beneficiary": null,
"merchant": {
"type": "COMPANY",
"name": "Merchant's name",
"lastname": "",
"document": null,
"email": null,
"phone": null,
"address": null,
"birthdate": null,
"nationality": null
"payer": {
"type": "INDIVIDUAL",
"name": "Payer's name",
"lastname": "Payer's last name",
"document": {
"id": "37895247",
"type": "DNI"
"email": "",
"phone": {
"countryCode": "1",
"areaCode": "11",
"number": "98789632"
"address": null,
"birthdate": null,
"nationality": null
"intermediaries": [],
"wireInstructions": null,
"date": {
"creationDate": "2022-05-19T19:02:44.018+00:00",
"processedDate": "2022-05-19T19:02:44.799618",
"expirationDate": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"
"card": {
"token": "N66a0BVHGJY/oCwOyl/CbxIJ5DmCINWeir9PY9gxVGI=",
"bin": "402670",
"brand": "VISA",
"country": "RS",
"name": "Cardholder Name",
"last4": "3263",
"expirationYear": 2025,
"expirationMonth": 9
"errors": []
"transactionType": "PayIn",
"externalId": "1652994419",
"internalId": "7717d940-327f-4e46-acb8-383ad229333a",
"paymentMethod": {
"type": "BankTransfer",
"code": "1313",
"flow": "DIRECT"
"country": "BRA",
"currency": "BRL",
"amount": 1000.0,
"accountNumber": "076.986.00000001",
"confirmed": {
"currency": "BRL",
"amount": 1000.0,
"fxQuote": 1.0,
"exchangeRateToken": null
"payment": {
"installment": null,
"currency": "BRL",
"fxQuote": 1.0,
"financingFee": 0.0,
"amount": 1000.0
"localTaxes": [],
"withHoldings": [],
"fees": {
"description": "Fee",
"currency": "BRL",
"fxSource": 4.936304,
"fxQuote": 1.0,
"amount": 11.0,
"account": "076.986.00000001"
"status": {
"code": "100",
"description": "INPROGRESS",
"detail": "The payin is pending the confirmation"
"ticket": null,
"qr": null,
"beneficiary": null,
"merchant": {
"type": "INDIVIDUAL",
"name": "Merchant's name",
"lastname": "Merchant's last name",
"document": {
"id": "",
"type": ""
"email": "",
"phone": {
"countryCode": "54",
"areaCode": "11",
"number": "98789632"
"address": {
"street": "Street",
"number": "938",
"city": "city",
"state": "state",
"country": "country",
"zipCode": "zipCode",
"comment": "Add any usefull information"
"birthdate": "2000-01-01",
"nationality": "nationality"
"payer": {
"type": "COMPANY",
"name": "Payer's name",
"lastname": "",
"document": {
"id": "75.111.111/0001-56",
"type": "CNPJ"
"email": "",
"phone": {
"countryCode": "1",
"areaCode": "11",
"number": "11789632"
"address": {
"street": "Street",
"number": "1234",
"city": "city",
"state": "state",
"country": "country",
"zipCode": "zipCode",
"comment": "Add any relevant information related to the payer"
"birthdate": "01/01/1990",
"nationality": "nationality"
"intermediaries": null,
"wireInstructions": {
"bank": {
"name": "Banco Itaú",
"code": null,
"branch": null,
"account": {
"type": "Checking",
"number": "11111-9"
"beneficiary": {
"name": "BRASIL",
"document": {
"id": "CNPJ",
"type": "34111130000133"
"referenceCode": "1313001012"
"date": {
"creationDate": "2022-05-19T21:06:59.651+00:00",
"processedDate": "2022-05-19T21:06:59.928308",
"expirationDate": "2022-05-26T21:06:59.928308"
"card": null,
"errors": []
"size": 10,
"page": 1,
"details": [
"transactionType": "PayIn",
"externalId": "b3ad8643-0823-4e77-8x0c-6cc465c776a4",
"internalId": "a11d345b-0c27-4xca-88ee-fdd7f187e4c1",
"paymentMethod": {
"type": "BankTransfer",
"code": "1630",
"flow": "DIRECT"
"country": "MEX",
"currency": "MXN",
"amount": 1754,
"accountNumber": "484.840.00000017",
"confirmed": {
"currency": "USD",
"fxQuote": 18.5562473,
"amount": 94.52
"payment": {
"currency": "MXN",
"fxQuote": 1,
"financingFee": 0,
"amount": 1754
"localTaxes": [],
"withHoldings": [],
"fees": {
"description": "Fee",
"currency": "USD",
"fxSource": 1,
"fxQuote": 1,
"amount": 2.84,
"account": "484.840.00000017"
"status": {
"code": "200",
"description": "COMPLETED",
"detail": "The payin was credited"
"beneficiary": {
"type": "INDIVIDUAL",
"name": "Payer name",
"lastname": "Payer lastname",
"document": {
"type": "ND",
"id": "ND"
"bank": {
"account": {
"number": "646010319800000141"
"merchant": {
"type": "COMPANY",
"name": "Merchant name",
"lastname": "",
"document": {
"type": "CUIT",
"id": "20000000005"
"email": "NA"
"payer": {
"type": "INDIVIDUAL",
"name": "Payer name",
"lastname": "Payer lastname",
"document": {
"type": "ND",
"id": "ND"
"email": "NA",
"bank": {
"name": "Banco Azteca",
"code": "127",
"branch": {
"code": "",
"name": ""
"account": {
"type": "C",
"number": "120000000006304585"
"wireInstructions": {
"beneficiary": {
"document": {
"type": "RFC",
"id": "MEX2003191F4"
"bank": {
"name": "Sistema de Transferencias y Pagos STP",
"code": "0031",
"branch": {},
"account": {
"type": "C",
"number": "646180319800000000"
"referenceCode": "JILQ-SG3D-YAAM"
"date": {
"creationDate": "2023-01-12T17:35:32.416Z",
"processedDate": "2023-01-12T17:35:33.135Z"
"errors": []
Last updated