Example callback for creating a virtual account and receiving payments
Once the creation of a Virtual Account is requested, you will receive notifications of the status of the request.
{"transactionType":"VirtualAccount","data": {"externalId":"XXXXX","internalId":"XXXXX","accountNumber":"XXXXX","country":"ARG","currency":"ARS","beneficiary": {"type":"INDIVIDUAL","name":"Beneficiary Name","lastname":"Beneficiary Lastname","document": {"type":"XXXXX","id":"XXXXX" },"bank": {"account": {"number":"0000472900016847756532" } } },"status": {"code":"200","description":"COMPLETED","detail":"Virtual account has been created" },"errors": [] }}
Once the Virtual Account creation is complete, users will be able to receive payments through the local ACH network. Localpayment will send notifications for each Payin received to the URL configured as Callback. You can check the notification format in the "On receiving a payment" tab: